The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48439   Message #727574
Posted By: wysiwyg
11-Jun-02 - 11:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Any birthday happies to me?(SharonA)
Subject: RE: BS: Any birthday happies to me?(SharonA)
Sharon, these birthday threads are kinda weird, to start, because unless you know someone well enough to know if they would appreciate a thread, you just don't start one. Take me, for instance. I just really hate my birthday. Not because of getting older-- I LIKE that part. But it's associated with some stuff I prefer to think about when I feel like working on it, not just because an anniversary has caught up with me. So when someone asked me recently, "Hey, aren't you having a birthday...." I was able to say, "Um, yeah, but geeze, no thread, OK?"

In person it's all different-- I mean, if we'd gone ahead with the gathering and you'd been here on your birthday for THAT-- well, I think you would have liked what might have happened. Instead, on my end, I got caught up in various crises others were having, and about all I've been able to retain by day's end is where the heck my bed is! So I'm sorry that I missed seeing that you might have wanted a thread.

So hey! Whaddaya doing NEXT year for yer birthday? And when are you coming up here, huh?
