The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10444   Message #72759
Posted By: Cuilionn
22-Apr-99 - 01:46 PM
Thread Name: A Song or Two for Colorado's Victims
Subject: RE: A Song or Two for Colorado's Victims
I'm gang tae try an' wricht this wi'oot sae muckle Scots, sae mair folk will understand...bear wi' me if a wee bit creeps in.

Here's a thought: How many of our beloved and brilliant folk/blues heroes were, and are, "outsiders"?

WHAT IF these kids, so full of rage against those who ostracized them, had been given a nourishing diet of folk and blues music throughout their childhoods?

WHAT IF the gunner lads had learned to SING their pain, and learned to understand their alienation in the context of a vast heritage of musical expressions which enabled others' survival?

WHAT IF the songs of the Civil Rights and Labor movements, the horrific old murder ballads, the songs which help us celebrate (and long for) peace, and other songs which preach and teach about justice had been incorporated organically into the educational system and other social structures which guided and "raised up" these kids?

WHAT IF venues and instruments had been provided, and the schools and the larger community had made it possible for young people to articulate their pain creatively instead of destroying and being destroyed?

WHAT IF we still have the time and wherewithall to impliment these ideas HERE and NOW?!?

WHAT IF we tradition-bearers and musical innovators could be part of the work of transformation and healing all over the world, but most especially among our angry and suffering children?

WHAT IF we already ARE, and we take this situation not as a summons to paralysis, but as an powerful opportunity to infiltrate our communities further and bring hope and healing and the joy of creation back into the lives of our youth?!?

--Cuilionn, whae invites ye a' tae th' ceilidh o' comfort an' healin' which I'm havin' at ma seminary apartment here in Denver... I'll mak th' biscuits, ye bring th' JAM!!!