The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48159   Message #727601
Posted By: Naemanson
11-Jun-02 - 12:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Just What the FBI needs MORE POWER!
Subject: RE: BS: Just What the FBI needs MORE POWER!
Hey, where did that thread go? You guys been busy!

My understanding of the American Revolution (that little ruckus in the colonies) is, like Carol's, that we just wore them down. Great Britain's attention was on the European Continent and the trouble in the colonies didn't rate much in their grand scheme of things.

(I love, by the way, King George's notation in his diary for July 4, 1776. He wrote, "Nothing of importance happened today." Of course, it would be months before news of the Declaration Of Independence got to England by ship but...}

Conservatives vs liberals. Definitions? We all like our own definitions. And none of us like to be labeled.

I think my own take on conservatives, liberals, and war is that liberals will go to war but will do so reluctantly. My perspective is that conservatives are not reluctant but see it as a viable (and for some, desirable) outcome to any negotiation. There seems to be a desire for the glory and honor.

WWII was labeled the good war because it was a war against real bad guys. Liberals and conservatives stood together for that one. Yet there were those who didn't believe we should fight. The vote to join the war was not unanymous in Congress. There was one dissenting voter and like it or not you have to admire her courage (I wish I could remember her name).