The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47526   Message #727907
Posted By: GUEST,Mimsey
11-Jun-02 - 06:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: the funny business of names
Subject: RE: BS: the funny business of names
Allright, now you've got me going. I'm a librarian, and often come across odd names. Here's the list I've collected: Amacker Bullwinkle, Monty Livergood, Louis Lasagna, Fleur Sack (one of my favorites!), Nevora Nush, Penny Sermons (another!), Kristina Mollusk, Faith Popcorn, Brownie Plaster, Nan Staggers, James Careless, Lufemia Funktoop (!!!), Salady Potts, Nelsie Nagle, Harry Bump, Randy Rump, Dart Fartworth (!!!), Herman Hornschlager. Some interesting last names on my list: Clendenning, Engeldinger, Schmeckebier, Daubenspeck, Reiftsneider, Diefendurfer. :)