The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48406   Message #728210
Posted By: Bat Goddess
12-Jun-02 - 07:53 AM
Thread Name: Bat Goddess' Birthday Today!
Subject: RE: Bat Goddess' Birthday Today!
Time I guess to check in (I've been at a gallop since my return from Sudsville-on-the-Old-Polluted-Bathtub) -- Thanks EVERYONE for the B.D. greetings!!! And I plan to celebrate at least all month, so no one is at all late. (And Tom and I celebrate 20 years of marital mirth on the 26th -- more champagne, maybe lobster.)

The good news that I have to report is that I DID NOT fall asleep face first in the lobster and thus my nose does not bear the imprint of a claw nor did I inhale any melted butter. That, too, can be a gift.

No cake, though, cuz I never seem to get around to baking one myself.

Gotta get to the Getaway this year!!!
