The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48556   Message #729879
Posted By: wysiwyg
14-Jun-02 - 09:23 AM
Thread Name: Help: Teddy Bear Virus?
Subject: RE: Help: Teddy Bear Virus?
Of course I'm an idiot, we all are in some respect, but in this case I had a good reason for asking here. The forwards that went through our mail list had conflicting information about what the Symantec and other sites' information signified-- some messages indicated this was a new thing the others hadn't caught up with, some said it was a hoax, and there was everything in between. I knew our Catters would know what was up, so I came here to ask-- and as usual, found the smartest, most helpful people on the Net.

Thanks for the kind comments, BTW, but no need to poke Gargoyle back, on my account, you know, really.
