The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48556   Message #730017
Posted By: Mr Red
14-Jun-02 - 01:15 PM
Thread Name: Help: Teddy Bear Virus?
Subject: RE: Help: Teddy Bear Virus?
FWIW I got a second hit from Klez32 as reported by Norton.
Then I noticed a failed delivery and even though it said it was from the (I AM post, web and bottlewashing master) I went looking for the "original" message in the attachment. Me dumb? I survived a year by being careful and this one would have got me were it not for Norton. Yes me dumb!!!
I phoned the real sender (as opposed to the declared one) and he was on the case immediately, with new firewall and A/V software. OK, OK, he knows now!!! Dumb? We all act dumb somedays - I got the divorce to prove it!!!