The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48587   Message #731388
Posted By: Dave Bryant
17-Jun-02 - 08:58 AM
Thread Name: Does the Devil have the best tunes?
Subject: RE: Does the Devil have the best tunes?
"On Ilkley Moor baht 'At" was pinched from Thomas Clarke's tune "Cranbrook" which was originally used for "While Shepherds Watched" (and other sets of words).

I was part of a vocal consort which sang Clarke's original setting at a carol concert. A lady in the congregation took us to task for "using such a disreputable tune for a christmas carol - in the house of God as well !". Even when we explained the origin of the tune, she insisted that it was now "contaminated". I can remember thinking that a quick recital of all the bawdy words which I knew to religious tunes would leave her with very few singable hymns and carols.

Perhaps it is more dificult for a "tainted" tune to return to respectability than for a camel to squeeze through the eye of a needle !