The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48658   Message #731761
Posted By: mousethief
17-Jun-02 - 07:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!
Subject: RE: WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!
Many people care nothing for sports. Many have a favorite sport or two (or maybe even 3) and don't care much for the rest. And a select few care about every single sport that comes down the pike.

Personally I fall into the second category. I am a baseball fan and care little for other sports. I don't have the time, with 5 kids 2 cars and a mortgage, to follow a lot of sports. I have my favorite and that's enough for me.

I sincerely hope, for the sake of the boys on the team and their fans here in the USA, that the USA team does well. But then again every person whose country's team is still in the running feels the same way vis-a-vis THEIR team. May the best team win.

But personally I don't find soccer a terribly exciting sport, and you're not likely to change that fact about me.
