The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48579   Message #731956
Posted By: Janie
18-Jun-02 - 12:00 AM
Thread Name: Song Challenge! - Part 84
Subject: RE: SONG CHALLENGE! - Part 84
This is my first (and you may hope, last) posting to a song challenge.

To the tune of "The Escape of Old John Webb"

One day while in the grocery store
I spied a horse with red panties on.
I dropped a can in great surprise
right on a shelf of apple pies!

Cho:With her tiny feet and her covered seat
she was just as sweet as a sugar teet.
You can imagine my surprise
When I learned that she was Cherry's eyes.

I plainly saw she was two feet tall
and for a horse that is mighty small.
She walked down every grocery aisle
and did not leave a single pile!


She lead Miss Cherry to the Dairy case
with a sassy little wiggle of red satin and lace.
Then took her to the bakery
and then knelt down upon her knees.


She waited for Cherry to choose her bread
And listened to what the baker said
Then headed for the check out line
So Cherry could go straight home to dine.


She rode home in the truck with her friend Fat Butt
And they chatted about the trip they'd made.
When Cherry had them settled in bed
They munched on toast and marmalade.

line breaks added by a
joe clone