The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48691   Message #732280
Posted By: masato sakurai
18-Jun-02 - 12:44 PM
Thread Name: Tune Req: Sven (SVEND I ROSENSGAARD)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Sven
There're more than 20 versions (Danish, Swedish, Finnish), in addition to British and American ones, in Taylor's book. Most are without English translations; only one tune (to a Finnish version) is given. If you ask, I'll post any version. A Swedish version (a very short fragmentary piece) recorded in 1955 is on Den Medeltida Balladen (The Medieval Ballad) (Caprice [Sweden] CAP 22035). A modern redition with a different melody is on Nordan by Lena Willemark and Ale Moller (Click here for sound clip).
