The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10444   Message #73483
Posted By: hank
26-Apr-99 - 09:17 AM
Thread Name: A Song or Two for Colorado's Victims
Subject: RE: A Song or Two for Colorado's Victims

After considering this all weekend I've come to a unhappy conclusion: This is the price we pay for freedom.

Things like this could be prevented. I think that most of us however would not want to have transmitters attached to us (surgicly) so that our every move can be tracked. Random searches at least once a year (weekly anyplace where there is the hint of trouble) Every strong person can wear heavy weights to slow them down to the level of "lesser" people. Every good dancer could have their legs broken (and set wrong) so they can't dance. Every smart person could have distracting headphones (or electric shock devices) so they can't carry an independant thought. Read Harrison Bergeron (a short story whos title I've murdered) for more info.

Yes, this is preventable. But the cost is more then I'm willing to pay. I would rather take the chance that I or my best friends could be next then to live in a socity where I don't have the freedoms I have.