The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48851   Message #735558
Posted By: Night Owl
24-Jun-02 - 02:40 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Mama Buy Me a China Doll
Subject: Momma Buy Me A China Doll
Just one of those SILLY songs that gets into my head and WON'T leave until I get it right!! Didn't find anything in the Forum or DT search. I learned it at a Folk Festival in Tennessee a loooooong time ago.

It's a FUN "long-ride-in-the-car-take-turns-adding-your-own-verses" children's song.....wondering if anyone else is familiar with it??

So far I remember........

"Momma buy me a china doll x3
Do, momma, do.

With what will I buy you a china doll?

You can sell Daddy's feather bed.

Where will your Daddy sleep?

He can sleep out in the barn.

But where will the horses sleep?"

My daughter and I would add verses...switching different animal's beds....(chickens took pigs' bed, pigs took goat's beds, goats took horses' beds, etc.)

Hope SOMEONE can fill in the blanks.....a verse about a garden gate????...and somehow the last verse brings it back to the first verse, similar to "Hole In The Bucket".