The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48879   Message #736015
Posted By: GUEST,Ian
24-Jun-02 - 05:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Please consider how you title threads
Subject: Please consider how you title threads
No doubt some people will dismiss this as moaning, especially as I'm posting as a GUEST (boo, hiss!)

However, I'll try and make my (I hope useful) point.

This is a worldwide forum. Some of us don't have the time to read everything and have to pay for out internet connection on a per minute basis.

Thread titles such as:

'Jolly Angler session tonight'
'Local people look here!'
'middlewich ff'
'How come?'
'Topical Songs'

etc, etc

might well have some resonance to a few people, but are meaningless to the vast majority of people here.

The length of thread title allowed is quite long, and enough to give a reasonable explanation as to the content of the thread.

I, for one, would be grateful if posters thought a bit more about their thread title before posting.

Thank you.
