The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48879   Message #736507
Posted By: Jim Dixon
25-Jun-02 - 10:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Please consider how you title threads
Subject: RE: BS: Please consider how you title threads
Liz the Squeak: Yes, it's obvious that threads with frivolous titles MIGHT contain lyrics, frivolous or not. And I have nothing against frivolous songs (as long as they're not TOO frivolous). I have harvested many of them. But the point is, finding songs is a monumental task. There are hundreds, maybe thousands of unmarked songs in old threads. I may never finish searching. So I look only where songs are most likely to be. That's the most efficient way to spend my time.

If YOU would like to undertake the task of searching all the old threads with frivolous titles, going back nearly 6 years, to see if they contain unmarked lyrics or tunes, be my guest. Maybe then you will see what a daunting and unrewarding task it is.

p.s. "Marked" means having a subject line (not to be confused with the thread title) containing the word "Add:" followed by the song title. Songs that are marked in this way can be easily found at any time using the very reliable Forum Search, as long as you know the correct title (or even a distinctive word from the title) of the song you're searching for.

For the last 6 months or so, I haven't actually "harvested" any songs; I have merely marked them so they can be found easily later.