The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48219   Message #737291
Posted By: Wolfgang
26-Jun-02 - 09:05 AM
Thread Name: DTStudy Donnybrook Fair / Widdecombe Fair
Subject: RE: DTStudy Donnybrook Fair
On CD 7 of the 20 CDs 'Voice of the people' series this song can be heard as 'Widdlecombe fair'.


Thread #48219   Message #1045892
Posted By: Joe Offer
01-Nov-03 - 02:45 PM
Thread Name: DTStudy Donnybrook Fair
Subject: ADD Version: Widdlecombe Fair

In another thread, there was a request for a tune for a song called "Widdlecombe Fair." I don't know if this is the song they're seeking, but it's an interesting variation of "Widdecombe Fair" that ought to be posted in this DTStudy.

  1. (And) As I was a-going to Widdlecombe Fair
    Jolly old cobbler I met there.
    This old cobbler his name was Wax.
    His old woman was Old Mother Balls of Wax.
    And there was Wax, Old Mother Balls of Wax
    Johnny and jumping Joan,
    Jolly companions every one.

  2. fiddler / Sticks/ Fiddlesticks
  3. tinker / Pots / Piddle Pots
  4. tailor / Pins / Prickle Pins
  5. weaver / Cox / Shuttlebox
  6. baker / Balls / Bags Of Balls
  7. butcher / Rump / Rumpatump

Recorded by the singer, Tom Brown his home in Worksop, Nottinghamshire, mid-1980's

Source: volume 7 of the CD collection Voice of the People, "First I'm Going to Sing You a Ditty: Rural Fun and Frolics."