The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46461   Message #737497
Posted By: Amos
26-Jun-02 - 01:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: New Member-rambling rose
Subject: RE: BS: New Member-rambling rose

Trolls in cyberspace are those who post communications -- often anonymously -- for the sole purpose of causing a stir, spinning others up, and muddying the waters. Their sole joy is in creating effects, usually negative ones -- they don't ask to get answers, they don't communicate to acheive understanding; they post to get a rise.

They dine on human decency trust and tend to make all sorts of ill-feelings rise up IF they are fed by responding to their remarks. Like many kinds of predators, if they get no reaction they slink off to dine elsewhere.

You will learn over time how to recognize their puerile manipulations and how to refrain from tossing them small bits of heart and mind; they are emotional scavengers who can be counted on to come back for more once they think there's more to be had.

Hope this helps.