The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48832   Message #737808
Posted By: Bobert
26-Jun-02 - 08:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who are the Terrorists? Part 114
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the Terrorists? Part 114
Yo, GUEST Dennis. Exactly where did you come up with this idea that the left controls the western media? I mean, if you really think that then you are so far to the right that folks on the left can't see you thru the right wing controled media. The media is owned by rich corporate folks. The same rich corporate folks that bring us Enron and Worldcom. Hey, they have nothing, no make that absolutely nothing to gain, and every everything to loose by reporting the truth. Hey, when it was brought to their attention that Jeb Bush and Katleen Harris had illegally purged 57,000 voters, most of whom would have not voted for Jeb's brother, making Al Gore today's president, did they report that. Hell no, they didn't. So don't preach that left wing media stuff around here. There are way too many catfolk with intellegence that know that dog don't hunt. It's so far from reality, that it doesn't even warrent a chuckle...

But if you want to keep eating the media's steady diet of press releases and stuff the corporate PR folks invent, that's your business. Just don't report this pablem as being true, thank you...
