The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48821   Message #738316
Posted By: DonD
27-Jun-02 - 01:29 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Jenny Jenkins
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Jenny Jenkins
I' creeping! Fuschia -- as mentioned above by Vixen is a stumper. But it struck me that that's not the proper name of the color or the flower it comes from. It's really 'fuchsia' named after the botanist who first identified it -- Fuchs -- the sane way the Wisteria is named after Wister and Forsythia is named after Forsyth and Lobelia is named after Lobel, etc. etc.

When I checked Atomica/Google for 'fuschia', however, I got 1-10 ofover 50,000 listings in the search and I thought I must be wrong or the wrong spelling has taken over. So hen I checked 'fuschia' and there are about aquarter million results! And now that I've finished reading them all ...

I think they're both pronounced 'foosha' and I can't rhyme either one, unless -- "I'd look like I came from Russia/Rooshia?"

And for 'aqua --

"Aquamarine? That's even worse than green!"

Orange? "I'd look like I'd got the mange!" or "... too strange." or " a member of the Grange(?!?)"

Crimson? Ecru?? Lavender???

Okay maybe for a captive audience of kids in a car, but after ten colors for a group in a hall with exits and you'd find everyone gone before you got to 'turkle'.