The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48992   Message #738584
Posted By: Little Hawk
27-Jun-02 - 09:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pledge of allegiance ruled out! Part 2
Subject: RE: BS: Pledge of allegiance ruled out! Part 2
My, my, it's really rolling isn't it?

Axman664 - You asked me "Little Hawk, can a country be "one nation…indivisible," and still be comprised of vastly different parts and ideas ("diversity")? How would this differ from our nation?

Yes, you are quite correct. A nation can be one nation and still be comprised of vastly different parts and ideas. Such is often, if not usually, the case with sovereign nations. It is certainly true of the USA and Canada both.

My main point was that to stand up and pledge that your country is "indivisible" is the sort of bravado that people engage in precisely because they are afraid it may be divided, and they are afraid because they know perfectly well that it is, in fact...divisible.

To teach children to say it's "indivisible" is intended to plant an idea in their minds that may later prove useful when you send them out as young adults to kill and die on some battlefield. That is the intention of the phrase. I am suspicious of such intentions...but from the point of military preparedness I can understand why countries do this sort of thing...specially if they expect to be fighting wars at fairly frequent intervals.

- LH