The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48992   Message #738672
Posted By: Big Mick
28-Jun-02 - 12:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Pledge of allegiance ruled out! Part 2
Subject: RE: BS: Pledge of allegiance ruled out! Part 2
I have followed this thread hoping to see a ray of light, but most of the replies are very predictable, sad to say. The conservatives are outraged and the liberals are very understanding of the "don't force your religion on me" line. This issue is not a whole lot different for me than the flagburning, rights to abortion, gun control, and so on issues. Let me explain.

First off, I will tell you that I am a very patriotic liberal. No need to get into the pedigree, but I have proven my love for my country on enough occasions to not have it questioned. But I am the kind of person, a liberal, who believes that the best testament to my love of my land is to continually question and examine its actions/motives/results to see if we are truly on the journey to a better and more caring democratic republic. I never want things to be like they used to be. I want the future to hold on to the best of what is right in our society, and constantly look for ways to expand to as many people as possible, the "American Dream". Now some of you folks think that that dream is two cars, a white picket fence, 2.5 kids, a Martin, Taylor, Appollonia, Collings, and a Larivee on the wall, etc. To me, that dream is for a place where all folks can walk around and not feel strange because of being different. Where we understand that having a different color of skin, gender, belief systems, etc. is what makes us strong, and where it doesn't exclude folks from living a good life. Where all children are valued and nurtured and not made to feel that being different is bad.

Just like in the other issues that I mentioned in the first para, this whole issue is a red herring. Patriotism isn't saying the pledge of allegiance. It is acting on your allegiance. Patriotism isn't nurtured in the schools. It is a product of parents who take the time to teach their kids the wonder of this place we inhabit and the imperfect beauty of the system we have created. It is a product of acknowledging to these precious pieces of clay our mistakes, such as slavery and racial prejudice, sexism, ageism, unfair labor and environmental laws, and show them how the wonder of advocacy and representative democracy can change this land and this world for the better. It is about listening to the wisdom of our wee ones, as we struggle with solutions. Will we be a better and more perfect union because our children recite the pledge until they are old enough to make their own choices, or will we continue the unending quest for perfection by teaching them our values in our homes.

From a pure constitutional standpoint, it seems to me the court made the right decision. Children who don't come from families that don't buy into the "under God" portion shouldn't have to be made to feel that something is wrong with them. From a political standpoint, I am disgusted by the number of politicians that are jumping on this for purely political reasons. Mind you, many of them are acting out of deeply held beliefs, but far too many are simply using it for a political football. From a common sense standpoint, I want my child to understand what being patriotic really means. It is about having values, and caring enough about this country and all countries to always be trying to make a positive difference. Teach your children well, and ignore the vultures.
