The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48914   Message #738774
Posted By: Scabby Douglas
28-Jun-02 - 06:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Scotland
Subject: RE: BS: Scotland
Some more Chic Murray:

I met this chap at the Olympics. I said to him, "Excuse me but are you a pole vaulter?", he replied,"No, I'm German, but how did you know my name was Walter."

I was in London the other day and this man came up to me and asked me if I knew the Battersea dog's home. I said that I didn't know it had been away.

This chap said to me, "If you look over there, you'll see Dumbarton Rock". Well, I looked for 20 minutes and the thing never moved an inch.

"This friend of mine had a terrible upbringing. I asked him once what his ambition was and he replied it was to have an ambition. In the end tragedy struck - as he lay on his death bed he confessed to three murders. Then he got better"

I went to the butchers to buy a leg of lamb. 'Is it Scotch?' I asked. 'Why?' the butcher asked. 'Are you going to talk to it or eat it?' 'In that case, have you got any wild duck?' 'No,' he said, 'but I've got one I could aggravate for you.'

What use is happiness? It can't buy you money.

"I rang the bell of a small bed-and breakfast place, whereupon a lady appeared at an outside window. "What do you want?" she asked. "I want to stay here," I replied. "Well, stay there then," she said and banged the window shut.

"My wife went to a beauty parlour and got a mud pack. For two days she looked nice, then the mud fell off. She's a classy girl though, at least all her tattoos are spelt right."

"There are only two rules for drinking whisky. First, never take whisky without water, and second, never take water without whisky."

"My father was an Aberdonian and a more generous man you couldn't wish to meet. I have a gold watch that belonged to my father, he sold it to me on his death bed.…… I wrote him a cheque".

"So there I was lying in the gutter. A man stopped and asked 'What's the matter? Did you fall over?' So I said 'No. I've a bar of toffee in my back pocket and I was just trying to break it."

"So I gave him a wave. Actually, it was more of a half wave, because I only half know him."

"He started talking to me about this and that - about which I know very little."

The police stopped me when I was out in my car. They told me it was a spot check. I admitted to two pimples and a boil.

I admit to spending a fortune on women, booze and gambling. The rest I spend foolishly.

It was raining cats and dogs and I fell in a poodle.

