The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48992   Message #739136
Posted By: Haruo
28-Jun-02 - 07:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pledge of allegiance ruled out! Part 2
Subject: RE: BS: Pledge of allegiance ruled out! Part 2
But all those other nations don't have the White Man Piebald Personoffspring's Burden of Leading the Free World.


ps to mary garvey, mary, fact is most people would much rather see all lower case like this than all SHOUTING intended or not. personally, after a few cases of that kind of orthographic assault i simply pass the posts by in silence even if the topic is one i'm interested in. to have to put up with all caps in order to read dangerously revisionist versions of nazi doctrines is asking too much. i am not at all alone in this and those newbies who do much ALL CAPPING deserve (even if, like dewey, they're writing falsehoods) to be apprised of the fact. imho ;-) i would not dream of imposing a "no all caps" rule (well, okay, maybe i would dream of it, but i wouldn't try to act on that dream), but people who use all caps should be made aware that it will cut into their readership and simultaneously irritate a significant portion of the readers who remain.