The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49023   Message #739148
Posted By: Caz
28-Jun-02 - 08:13 PM
Thread Name: Avoiding a sore throat....
Subject: RE: Avoiding a sore throat....
Hia Paul

In my opinion it all depends on what you do in general really. For instanse, I don't drink any alcohol before or during a performance as it tends to affect the sound, words and concentration, I only wish I could drink but I've tried it and for me it doesn't work. So, I would recomed staying away from alcohol, but that's just my experience!

I have noticed over the last 2.5 years that my throught has become more sensetive and I tend to use lockets before and after gigs and drink loads of water between performances, approx 5 pints (I'd rather beer but I dearn't). I have been told about VocaZones but find that Lockets work for me and so I'm loathed to try any other lozenger.

I suffer from Larengitis, which is bad for a lead singer but when I'm suffering I follow my tried and tested methods of

1. Don't practise for the gig if you know what you are doing and are confident with the words, harmony etc. 2. Locket yourself up prior to the gig and have them to hand during the gig. I make a joke of it with the audience. I find that this is easier than trying to hide the fact that you have a bad throught. 3. Make sure that you have plenty of water to hand throughout the gig.

Hope this helps. Good luck