The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49050   Message #739543
Posted By: Stephen L. Rich
29-Jun-02 - 06:13 PM
Thread Name: A Busker's Tale
Subject: A Busker's Tale
Something happened to me today that I had to pass along. I was out busking. I am fortunate enough to live in one of the few cities in America which is genuinely busker friendly. Being a regular street performer can amount to the income of a halfway decent part time job here.

The first half hour or so was less than wonderful. Due to one thing and another I wound up having to move twice (I hate it when buskers bring portable P.A. equipment). I finally found a stable, if unshaded, spot in front of a little hat shop called "The Sacred Feather".

Despite the heavy crowds out on this Saturday afternoon, tips were a bit thin. That happens once in a while. It's almost always impossible to tell why. Some days one does well, some days one doesn't. I was starting to get very frustrated and annoyed when an old man in a wheelchair passed by. He was almost a quarter of a block passed me when I started to sing Josh White's "One Meatball". The old man backed up, turned his chair to face me, and started singing along. His voice was thin and barely audible, but none the less joyful for all that. He knew every word (which was a good thing because I'm just learning it and am still a bit shakey. You know how that goes. You've tried every trick in the book to get something happening and nothing is working , so you use the time as sort of a mutated form of paid rehearsal). He knew the song so well that by the third verse I was following him.

When the song was over he thanked me, and wheeled away with a big grin on his face (which is easier to manage than having a big grin on you elbow). That little event made my day. I still came home today with only about twenty bucks to show for it, but I can't bring myself to get too upset about it.

It's very easy for me to get tunnel visioned on the nuts and bolts of making a living. I am, however, fortunate enough to occasionally encounter something in the universe that will rattle my cage hard enough to remind me what the music is for.

Stephen Lee Rich

Removed BS from the title 8:56AM, Jul 2 02. It's a (wonderful) music-related thread. --JoeClone