The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48832   Message #739980
Posted By: Bobert
30-Jun-02 - 10:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who are the Terrorists? Part 114
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the Terrorists? Part 114
Danged, last time I visited here there was some serious discussion going on and now it some kind of Holoween Party. Well? Trick or Treat!

Sorry I didn't know that Iz was 'spozed to have a mask but I'z making a scarey face. Does that count?

Hey folks, seriously, ol bobert has said it before and gonna say it again. War is terror and anyone playin' war is a terrorist. I didn't say defense. I said "playin' war. A lot of folks can't seperate the two because of fualty wiring and too many years of taking in the military industrial complex's song and dance routine.

Let me suggest that if you are a "Yeah-But" thinker than you have problably been well programed by the hawks and need tro step back and reflect on the possibility of peaceful coexhistence. If all you are doing is writing reams and reams justifying your side then you have become part of the problem...

Bottom line. There is some pretty messed up human behavior in this world and as the single World's Super Power, the US can, if it wishes, to make folks behave civilly. Unfortuately, the US is controlled by folks who profit fom war, who are in themselves.... terrorist.

We need a change of thinking where folks are more concerned about the planet and each other than profits.

Think peace.

Vote Green for change...

still Bobert...