The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49011   Message #740407
Posted By: DonD
01-Jul-02 - 08:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bad News for NJ Smokers...
Subject: RE: BS: Bad News for NJ Smokers...
Annamil, you're not selfish, unless caring about your family is selfish. And you're not stupid, if you were about to be insulted by a GUEST.

The libertarian attitude that says, 'let me decide if I want to kill myself, and I certainly won't dream of interfering with any one else's attempt to kill himself' is bullshit. Will the permissive libertarian calmly watch someone jump off a bridge or building or leap in front of a car or train without trying to interfere?

Of course, the suicide by car or train may be a poor example because that might inconvenience another person, not to mention the cost to us all for the recovery efforts.

But how about the cost to us all for the medical expenses of smoking. If you aren't aware that we all pay, either by subsiding public care or through increased insurance costs, you're in denial. Andof course you believe that second hand smoke dangers are just propaganda, too.

And what difference does it make whether it's cancer or emphysema or heart disease that is the cause of death, or that many people manage to escape any of them? Sure you could never smoke and get hit by a bus tomorrow; is that a logical reason to smoke.

And one more thing -- if anyone who attempted to make some improvement in the world was shot down because there were other things that needed improving too but were being neglected, none of us would have anything to say --ever!

I watched my sister die of emphysema and it wasn't pretty. She always would respond to attempts to get her to quit by saying, "so I won't live to ripe old age!" She got past seventy, but the last ten years she couldn't smoke and got no other joy out of life either. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

I guess I think that those who shorten their lives (the good part) without regard for those who care about them and are going to have to care for them -- they are the selfish and stupid ones, and when I see them shivering outside office buildings in the winter because of their addiction, I feel no sympathy at all.

Rant over.