The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49050   Message #740740
Posted By: Trevor
02-Jul-02 - 11:37 AM
Thread Name: A Busker's Tale
Subject: RE: A Busker's Tale
I was living in Frankfurt am Main in 1971 and remember hearing an American couple singing (I also came across them in Heidleberg I think) and I remember thinking that that was how I wanted to spend my life. It didn't quite work out like that but they surely influenced my view of the world. (Long shot I know, but it would be great if someone out there in Mudcatopolis knew who they were - chap with flat cap and moustache, a la Paxton and girl with long hair - banjo and guitar I think.)

In Turkey, Marmaris, in about 1983, before it became too Blackpoolish, I was singing my heart out whilst waiting for a bus, and having the odd coin flung at me. A local bloke came along and said in a very excited fashion 'you must wait there while I get my harp!!.' He reappeared with his harmonica and we spent half an hour having a load of fun swapping tunes, until the police moved us on. When the bus arrived I got on and got my seat. My new pal, overcome with emotion, raced out of a shop with a little tray of mint tea and persuaded the bus driver that he had to wait while we drank a toast to brotherhood and safe journey (actually the bus driver joined us as well). I counted my half of the big heap of coins we'd gathered together before the law had intervened - it amounted to about thirty pence! Easy come, easy go....but I've got an old friend somewhere in Turkey.