The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1555   Message #741203
Posted By: GUEST,MCP
03-Jul-02 - 02:49 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Summertime (Gershwin, et al.)
Subject: RE: Porgy/Bess? Lyrics: Summertime, when the liv
Argenine - If you go to the old thread linked above, you'll find a link to this site: Porgy And Bess, detailing the development of it. Briefly, DuBose wrote a novel, he and his wife Dorothy dramatised it for stage in 1927, and he and the Gershwins developed Porgy And Bess from it. As far as I know DuBose alone was responsible for the libretto for Porgy And Bess.

According to Brahms And Sherrin, which I cite above, the songwriting contributions were:

  DuBose Alone
My Man's Gone Now
A Woman Is A Sometime Thing
The Buzzard Song

DuBose writes, Ira edits to make singable
Bess, You Is My Woman

DuBose And Ira, full collaboration
I Got Plenty Of Nuttin'
It Takes A Long Pull To Get There

Ira Along
There's A Boat Dat's Leavin' Soon For New York
It Ain't Neccessarily So
