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Thread #48992   Message #741857
Posted By: Little Hawk
03-Jul-02 - 08:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pledge of allegiance ruled out! Part 2
Subject: RE: BS: Pledge of allegiance ruled out! Part 2
Nerd - Not exactly as you say...I'm not supporting the Pledge of Allegiance at all, with or without the words "under God". I don't personally care for the Pledge of Allegiance, and I never did care for it.

I just like discussing philosophical concepts about God and religion, that's all...that's why I keep talking about it. I'm well aware that the religious right does not share my conceptions of God! :-)

And...I am objecting to the petty concerns of people who obsess about specific religious symbols (whether they are for OR against them) and then, on the basis of their obsession, try to get laws passed to FORCE everyone else to either use or not use those symbols, in accordance with their obsession. They are troublemakers, in my opinion, and are lacking in tolerance.

It reminds me of when certain feminists in the 70's started demanding entrance into private male clubs, for instance. I even know of one case of a male pagan who repeatedly demanded entrance into private female gatherings. He was a very insecure person with an attitude problem.

It was the same attitude problem in fact, but the diametrically opposite application. It's always done in the name of freedom, but it's not about freedom at's about having a huge chip on your shoulder and feeling that everyone else must give up their freedom to be who they are on behalf of your freedom to be who you force of law.

One thing though, I agree with you that the US political system DOES practice religious discrimination...and just about every other form of discrimination one could care to mention too. In that way, it mirrors the society in general.

To oppose (on a legal basis) the use of the phrase "under God" in an official statement is indicative of a form of anti-religious prejudice, while to insist (on a legal basis) that it must be there is indicative of another form of prejudice. I think it's a dumb thing to launch legal battles over in either case...and just because some court finally brings down a decision on it doesn't mean diddly. Courts are composed of people, and people are fallible, and many laws are stupid and wrongful, as time has proven over and over again. You see, the legal system isn't God either, although it acts just as if it were.

I would like people to be free to either say "under God" and/or the Pledge itself...or not say they wish...without some stupid law telling them what they must do or not do in that situation.

This isn't support of the Pledge, Nerd. It's support of individual freedom of expression. People should be allowed to think these things out for themselves, and not be dictated to by Big Brother. I don't give a hang if Big Brother is a religious fanatic or an atheist fanatic, he's still Big Brother regardless when he tells me what I can or cannot say in public.

- LH