The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10202   Message #74255
Posted By: alison
29-Apr-99 - 02:38 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat chat room reminder
Subject: RE: Mudcat chat room reminder
Hi Max,

What is supposed to happen in the lower part of the screen... the chat box at the top seems to be OK (I'm there on my own again)....... but the bottom half of the screen has a timeout error.

With the earlier version we were able to minimise it and keep it active while we surfed and it alerted us with the door bell when someone else came in.... this one doesn't allow me to do that, (unless I open a new IE window and leave it in there)........ also it tends to get sick of waiting for someone else to join and automatically disconnects itself....... is it just me?

If the float button allows us to minimise... how do we get back to the float button once we are in the chat window? Or do we have to go right out again?

