The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49277   Message #744115
Posted By: GUEST,.gargoyle
07-Jul-02 - 09:44 PM
Thread Name: Emagic's Logic
Subject: RE: Emagic's Logic
I am a devoted fan of CAKEWALK and openly sing its praises on the Mudcat and elsewhere.

However, since Emagic Logic is abandoning the Windows medium and moving over to mac; it was my thinking that the price might fall to bargain basement levels for the PC platform....and it could become a toy to play with.

I know musicians that use SoundForge and Cakewalk but no-one who has experienced Logic; perhaps the German/European orgin has limited its western distribution.

In regard to your question michaelr I can refer you to:

And a place I like:
