The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10610   Message #74512
Posted By: Joe Offer
30-Apr-99 - 02:38 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Naughty Sweety Blues? / Blues (My Naughty
Subject: RE: Naughty Sweety Blues
Hi, Laura - failing to search the database is considered a major no-no around here, but your failure to search the forum is understandable. Just don't let us catch you doing it again. (grin)
It's interesting that there were two requests for this song this month, and none before that in the entire history of Mudcat. That happens quite often, and I wonder why. I think maybe you and the other requester were listening to the same radio program - or maybe it's some sort of X-Files thing and songs float in the ether for a while once they're played and affect even those who don't hear the songs directly.
-Joe Offer-