The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48827   Message #745266
Posted By: Oaklet
09-Jul-02 - 03:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: New member, not in Hull
Subject: RE: BS: New member, not in Hull
One of the most fiercely defended borders is where industrial Redditch oozes along the A435 and seeps into rural Warwickshire at a village called Studley. I had the good fortune to live there from 1988 to 1990. From memory there were 17 or 18 drinking holes in Studley which has arguably the world's most hideous supermarket dominating the centre and a claim to be the largest village in England. It was I recall the centre of world needle production during the 18th and 19th centuries. (I, of course don't mean that I recall those centuries, but I recall absorbing the knowledge - you have to careful about that sort of thing because there are pedants lurking here). I still have friends there, though I haven't been for a couple of years. It was only just Warwickshire, but Warwickshire it sure as hell was. Not Redditch, which was strangely important to the locals. So Linda, from whence didst thou hail, within the fair county that boasts a bear (down, John in Hull and get some sleep - nearly aroused the lad there) being bated as its crest?