The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48827   Message #745324
Posted By: John MacKenzie
09-Jul-02 - 04:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: New member, not in Hull
Subject: RE: BS: New member, not in Hull
Welcome to the 2002 equivilent of The Bethlehem Asylum, {Bedlam}. Thank God there's one more non 'uller joined the fold. Never been there, but I was at a birthday bash in Barmby Moor 2 weeks ago, bit too close for comfort that! *BG*
Can't join in with all the orgasmic utterances about Moggies, once had to change the brake master cylinder on one, BLOODY 'ECK !!. I save those sort of devotional moments about vehicles for Kenworths, Peterbilts, and Western Stars, when I,m lucky enough to be stateside. Failte [Welcome] anyway....Giok [ In Scotland ]