The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49293   Message #745711
Posted By: CapriUni
10-Jul-02 - 07:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: German 'Catters? Help with translation
Subject: RE: BS: German 'Catters? Help with translation
No such luck. The passase:

Aber das Märchen wurde in der letzten siebten Ausgabe (1857) gegen „Meerhäschen" ausgewechselt. Über die Auswechslung kommentiert Heinz Rölleke folgendes: „Am 29.4.1857 schreibt Wilhelm Grimm an Josef Haltrich in Rumänien, KHM 191 in den Ausgaben von 1843 und 1850 erinnere zu stark an den Polyphen-Mythos und sollte daher als nicht typisch deutsch eliminiert werden; um die Lücke zu füllen, bittet er Haltrich um Erlaubnis, dessen Sammlung Deutsche Volksmärchen aus dem Sachsenlande in Siebenbürgen (1856) benutzen zu dürfen, und entnimmt daraufhin dessen Nr. 38 » Von der Königstochter, die aus ihrem Schlosse alles in ihrem Reich sah«".

Was translated as:

But the fairy tale was replaced in the last sieved expenditure (1857) against?Meerhaeschen ". Over replacing Heinz Roelleke the following commentates: William Grimm writes 29,4,1857 Josef Haltrich in Romania, KHM 191 in the expenditures of 1843 and 1850 reminds too strongly of the Polyphen myth and should not therefore as be not typically German eliminated; in order to fill the gap, he asks Haltrich for permission, whose collection infers German people fairy tales from the Saxonia country in filter defiency guarantees (1856) to use to be allowed, and thereupon its No. 38 "of the king daughter, who saw everything from its lock in their realm" ".

So.... does this mean that the story was removed from the last edition because it wasn't German enough? Picky, picky...

Not exactly sure what "Polyphen Myth" is. The closest I could find in my American Dictionary was Polyphemus, the Cyclops that imprisoned Odysseus and his crew, and almost had them for supper (literally) until Odysseus blinded him... I guess I see a connection, kinda, sorta, but it's a mighty big stretch., in my opinion.