The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11512   Message #746072
Posted By: Mudlark
10-Jul-02 - 06:25 PM
Thread Name: Favorite Lullabies
Subject: RE: Favorite Lullabyes
Wyken, Blynken and Nod, a fav, also a long tear jerker called, I think, The Organgrinder, very sad. It always made me cry and I always asked for it again. Those from my mother. My dad sang me a couple of Crosby lullabies... Little Man you've had a busy day and Sly Old Gentleman from featherbed Lane, also the Old Lamplighter. From my grandmother another long tear jerker called, I think, The Butcher Boy, the one that starts out "In Dublin town, where i did dwell, a butcher boy, I loved him well..."

Tho I don't have any kids I still love lullabies and have added a few favorites of my own...Skye Boat Song, John o' Dreams, Crow on the Cradle....