The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48827   Message #747392
Posted By: Skipjack K8
12-Jul-02 - 05:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: New member, not in Hull
Subject: RE: BS: New member, not in Hull
Mrs S spotted a Morris Marina Owners Club Rally at Longleat, from over half a mile. Damn, but that woman impresses me at the strangest times.

Isn't John correct in remembering an age when one could purchase a half timbered Mini for less than £500?

I believe you are playing for the screaming ladies of Withernensea (the vernacular, I believe) at the moment, but I'm sure I just saw you with a bleeding head in Midsomer Murders.

Welcome, Daffyd, bon viveur, raconteur, and seminal pornographer.

Gary, your wife.

Oh, yes, Linda, I am proud to hold my Purple Helmet under my arm and stand four-square with Mr O. I inadvertently married Oakley whilst directly injecting nitrogen into the Humber, but I understand my old man tied an even bigger one on last time, without me there to spoil his fun. Funny how quickly we don't talk anymore. I'm filing for urine separation.