The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10623   Message #74796
Posted By: BK
01-May-99 - 12:21 AM
Thread Name: About Catspaw - please read.
Subject: RE: About Catspaw - please read.
We Unitarians are jokingly said to "pray to whom it may concern." So I'll be getting on to the Concerned One w/a few wee not unreasonable requests abt catspaw...

In the meanwhile.. in my other life I'm a physician & after we see him through the immediate crisis, the long term best bet is likely to be something that re-enforces the structure of the aorta, such as the textile graft previously mentioned. I'm sure the cardiothoracic surgeons will have lots of good advice when that time arrives...

So: I'll be gettin' out the 'ol celestial CB, 'n re-setting the SWR on my center loadin' antenna 'n breakin' 1-9 for the Concerned One to give 'em (or 'er) a piece o' my mind abt a genuine Mudcatter...

Karen: What's been mentioned abt getting what rest 'n food you can, to keep up your own strength, is true. hang in there; as you have seen, we're all pullin' for you & Pat.

Take Care, BK

ps. If he can have a tape player in there, favorite music is a fantastic thing. This will be a long process; as time goes on through this ordeal, maybe we mudcatters could tape some of our favorites & mail them, w/a few explanatory/supportive, etc notes, to y'all....?? What abt it 'catters?