The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10561   Message #74869
Posted By: Peter T.
01-May-99 - 09:52 AM
Thread Name: Secret Mudcat Handshake
Subject: RE: Secret Mudcat Handshake
Dear Rick, Now I am really worried!!!

Scrap heap of thought for a Saturday morning: Uriah Heep in David Copperfield is the originator of the fishy handshake. What would a non-fishy fishy handshake be?

I remember from "Mame" some years ago (the show not the movie) that there were exercises about rolling around on the floor like a fish; but that would not be suitable for dress occasions.

There was a mystery novel I read 20 years ago, about which I only remember that there was a blind guitarist being held hostage somewhere and he communicated out of window by spelling out chord shapes (G,E, etc.). I can't remember how he did the higher letters. I seem to remember that BACH did this with keys. If anyone read this novel, they could maybe give us a way of spelling MUDCAT out with the fingers.

Yours, Peter T.