The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49544   Message #749461
Posted By: GUEST,Nerd
17-Jul-02 - 01:15 AM
Thread Name: Help: nic jones reissue
Subject: RE: Help: nic jones reissue
Thanks for sharing, Lo And Behold. I'll take a gander at the new Jones reissue when I see it, but I have my doubts. What I do know is, I have copies of a Ray Fisher reissue and a Robin and Barry Dransfield reissue, both on Celtic Music, both of which are CDRs but not labeled as such. The disc is printed and packaged as a CD, no cheap paper labels, etc, but the record expert who gave them to me analyzed them and told me they were CDRs. So are you quite sure it's a good quality CD reissue? Your home CD player won't tell you, so how did you find out?


Not to split hairs, but if a company "illegally" dumps toxic waste near my house, they can be sued but generally no one will go to jail. This does not mean their actions are legal. Breaking a contract is no more legal--it's just a violation of civil codes rather than criminal ones.