The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49592   Message #750098
Posted By: GUEST,Lintfree
17-Jul-02 - 10:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush/Cheney stock sales: Scandalous?
Subject: RE: BS: Bush/Cheney stock sales: Scandalous?
Both Bush and Cheney are Republican oil guys. These are the same people who have created the problem with all the graft and corruption and trading on the inside and cashing in on all the advances made during the Clinton Administration. Very well orchestrated this whole thing. You have Clinton setting it all up with NAFTA and GATT to allow their Internationalist buddies to step in and feed like locusts. Insider trading has been the way these people do business for years. If you think that some law is going to stop a few well-placed phone calls to one's best buddies you're sadly mistaken. What amazes me is that people are complaining after handing the government over to a bunch of oil guys, or allowing them to pull their little voter thing in Florida. They're all manipulating the markets and cashing in. Why? It's that old "WIN/WIN SITUATION", play to win, business as usual, survival of the fittest, snooze you lose, "let them eat cake", "Now that we have the Papacy let us enjoy it." That last one was said by a Borgia Pope, I believe. Deregulation is the problem. Regulate them. Make it more difficult to do. Otherwise, bend over and say goodbye to your retirement account. "Compassionate Conservative" my ass!! The New Robber Barons is more likely. If I see that smug smile on Kennith Lay's face again I'm going to puke. Lint