The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49592   Message #750135
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
18-Jul-02 - 12:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush/Cheney stock sales: Scandalous?
Subject: RE: BS: Bush/Cheney stock sales: Scandalous?
You have to love Bush's choice for Security Exchange Commission chief, the celebrated Mr Pitt. His qualifications include his legal defense of America OnLine's claim that millions of CDs distributed to potential consumers were part of its assets, and not an expense. This is the kind of creative accounting that is gutting Wall Street, and the sleazy Mr Pitt is now supposed to defend against it? Fat chance.

As to the Green Party...Bush wouldn't have had a chance without them, and unless they can field a presidential candidate with more charisma than Nader (hell, Ben Stein has more charisma than Nader), they need to stay out of the way next time. It would also be nice if the Dems could field a candidate with more charisma than Nader.