The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49592   Message #750469
Posted By: GUEST
18-Jul-02 - 11:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush/Cheney stock sales: Scandalous?
Subject: RE: BS: Bush/Cheney stock sales: Scandalous?
I agree with Bobert. If you believe you are casting a meaningful vote in this day and age by voting either Dem or GOP, you are seriously deluding yourselves.

However, it isn't only the Green Party which is a true alternative. There are other third parties which could be viable, if people voted as true democratic citizens, instead of sheep of a flock, which has been brainwashed to believe that only the crooks in charge can rule effectively.

There are independent parties' elected officials sprinkled here and there throughout the US, including Green Party elected officials in major cities.

And why is the only measure of effective democratic change being seen as voting either GOP or Dem? Status quo politicians never change a thing. Think that is a crock? Look to the east--Britain--just what sort of meaningful change has occured there as a result of the landslide victory which put Labour back in the driver's seat. Answer: the corporate elite are stronger than ever, and the quality of life of the average British citizen continues to decline, despite their ability to own a home.

Once the hugely inflated housing market collapses, you'll see a serious depression, not just a recession.