The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49692   Message #751420
Posted By: Little Hawk
19-Jul-02 - 11:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Anybody see the guy with the giant cross?
Subject: RE: BS: Anybody see the guy with the giant cross?
Tell the Jehovah's Witnesses you're a Mormon, and direct them to the Mormon Temple if they have any further questions or comments.

Do the exact reverse of that with the Mormons!

This should save you quite a bit of time and aggravation...I hope.

I'm one of those who thinks it's downright impossible for you to lose your immortal soul...but don't worry, I am not trying to recruit members for any group! :-)

Back when there was that free Christian magazine all over..."The Plain Truth"...I thought it would be fun to create one called "The Complex Falsehood" and place it in free giveaway boxes next to "The Plain Truth". The idea was to make it look as similar as possible, only it would be sponsored by Satan, with a little picture of Old Nick in the corner on the cover saying: "Our Founder". It could then have been filled with articles that basically said the diametrical opposite of the stuff in "The Plain Truth", only in a very serious and persuasive manner, of course. The problem was how to find enough people with the time, inclination, writing talents, money, and bizarre satirical instincts to do it properly.

I decided it was a project best left in the realm of sheer fantasy...

- LH