The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1992   Message #7515
Posted By: Susan-Marie
26-Jun-97 - 11:41 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: 'Lookout Hill'; 'Strings and Dory Plug'
Here you go, Wolfgang:


There's a spot far away we all know well,
A place that's called the Lookout Hill,
Where rabbits hop and the wildcats yell.
How I love that place, no one can tell.

There are trout streams there, and moose and deer,
But you never lay eyes on a grizzly bear,
So take your pack up on your back
And head your way up the Lookout Track.

There'll be a time when I am old
And my poor old bones are stiff and cold.
I'll head to the Lookout with the setting sun.
When I smell those spruce trees, I'll feel young.

When the lakes are frozen and the brooks are high,
And you hear the owl in the moonlight cry,
I'll head to the Lookout with spirits high.
Goodbye, my friends. It's there I'll die.

(Repeat first verse)

Lee Bushnell (Stan Rogers' uncle)
On "For the Family" - Stan Rogers
Copyright 1983 Folk Tradition Records


I'm going to tell a story, a funny one, you see,
About a Hazel Hiller. A married man is he.
His house is on the highway, and if the road comes through,
He'll have to tear his mansion down and build it up anew.

He's moved to many places, sometimes to Hazel Hill,
And sometimes into Canso. It seems he can't keep still.
But now I think he's settled down with his dear loving wife.
He bought himself a gramophone and lives a happy life.

One day he said to Dory Plug, "I've got to earn my bread.
I'm going straight to Lena's. I've got to use my head."
From her he bought a bicycle. What he paid her, we don't know.
He tied a box behind him. To Canso he did go.

From door to door he travelled, "Fifteen cents for one."
He couldn't make it prosper. It wasn't any fun.
His fish business is ended. He couldn't make it pay.
So then he said to Dory Plug, "I'll try another way."

But Dory got a little bored while hubby was away.
There wasn't anything to do to pass the time away.
There was one thing she wanted. She said to hubby, "Dear,
The time would pass more quickly if I had a rocking chair."

Well Strings said to his darling, "Your wish is my command.
To show how much I love you, I'll make you one by hand."
As Strings was such a handy man, by night the job was done.
He took that thing upstairs and said, "Now try this out for fun."

She sat down on the rocker while Strings went down below
To fetch a cup of coffee to help the evening go,
While Dory Plug above him was rocking back and forth
And singing to her Stringy-boy for all that she was worth.

But Dory got excited and rocked a bit too fast,
And as her heels swung higher, the chair gave way at last.
The floor gave way beneath her. Both chair and Dory Plug
Fell right into the coffeepot and broke their only mug.

So now my story's ended. It may get me in jail,
But there are many people who'd surely go my bail.
So if they come to get me to throw me in the jug,
I'll never forget that cardboard house of String and Dory Plug.

Lee Bushnell (Stan Rogers' uncle)
On "For the Family" - Stan Rogers
Copyright 1983 Folk Tradition Records

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