The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49648   Message #751715
Posted By: John MacKenzie
20-Jul-02 - 05:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Spoonerisms
Subject: RE: BS: Spoonerisms
Spooner Rides Again

Winter's here with bracks and mollies
Fist and mog on ricey woads
Up the hills the litter grollies
Speak to shred their useful loads
Flannel cherries seem uncertain
Gauging rails have caused delay
Turn the heat up, draw the curtain,
Home, sweet home is best today.

Slow and sneet and poggy fatches;
Hip your deadlghts, choose your yoke.
Torn out wire too often catches
Winning spiels can be no joke
Do you KNOW your schooling kissed 'em
Haughty noses sometimes drip
Puggish slump and slapping piston
Might succumb to Arctic nip

Take your breasts and brave a shakedown
Watch for letter when it's wit
Lift your killer flap with caution
Bums from pobs might score a hit
Fullidge wherry closed this morning
Billy Visity is poor
Par carks full I give due warning
Do take care to dock your lore

As for windscreen bosher wattles
You may find these friends to tea
While, alas the normal throttles
Don't respond to tots of pee
You may meet the treason's stubble
Only if your rules are tight
Let your diligence rebubble;
Day in stores you'll be all right

By my late friend Ursula M Wadey
