The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49692   Message #751902
Posted By: khandu
21-Jul-02 - 02:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Anybody see the guy with the giant cross?
Subject: RE: BS: Anybody see the guy with the giant cross?
Okay, maybe this will be a musical thread! Arthur Blessit, (Yes, that is his real name!)born in Mississippi, has trekked the whole world carrying a 90 pound cross. He once was in the Guinness Book of World Records for having been the man who has walked the greatest distance. I met Arthur several years ago and found him sincere in his beliefs. After having been healed of an anuerism (sp?), he started carrying the cross in 1968. I lost track of him in the late 80's, however, I do not think he is the same man that Mrrzy ran into. The man she met did not sound like Arthur.

Now, as to the "musical thread" bit...Barry McGuire ("Eve of Destruction") stepped out of a bar many years ago, quite drunk, according to him. The first person he saw outside the bar was Blessit carrying a cross. McGuire asked Blessit "What's happening?" Blessit responded, "Jesus!"

McGuire said it haunted him afterward and , as a result of the meeting, he became a Christian.

BTW, Mrrzy, I am a Christian, but I disagree with the attitudes and tactics of most Christians I see and/hear. To answer your question, I think the Hindus are wrong, along with the Muslims, Buddhist...and the Christians!

Due to our limited perceptions, as well as our tendency to be right in our own eyes, and a myriad of other reasons, we (speaking of humanity in general)fall far short of the Ideal.

Life is a wonderful, yet difficult, journey. We all go through enough hell just living it. So I think it would be amiss of me to give others more hell just because they may believe (or, disbelieve) differently than I.

You are Atheist, I am what?
