Got a gift of a new Martin DM which I had tried in a store but could not buy - smae old story -Later it was presented to me....ummmmm embarrased but in love already
Strange to say I don't normaly select Martins to try but this one - made of Plywood - nailed me to the floor!. I was not paying any attention to what I was trying but having my helper pass boxes to me to try.
Now I have to figure out how to get my fingers to play and not make them sore! Is this a Martin thing or is it me?
Other strange things I don't understand about this make- where or where is the end pin? I mmmean the button on back to attach the shoulder strap to?
Comaparing things - I once had on loan a D 28 which a friend had me play on his gigs - it cost several thousands dollars. I was not that impressed with that in fact I dreaded it since the response was so off the beat. It would not ring for me....
But this Martin DM reminds me of a Washurn repro which I tried many years ago, it kicks butt! At the time I could not afford that one either. Playing it against my all time favorite working box, a Fender Jumbo, it has all the charm three times the volume and is far lighter so easier over a long session.
No papers with it either - is that strange or just an error?