The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49729 Message #752106
Posted By: bigchuck
21-Jul-02 - 05:32 PM
Thread Name: Martin Guitars again!
Subject: RE: BS: Martin Guitars again!
All new Martins that are not Vintage or Limited Ed. come with Corian saddle and nuts AFAIK (I work at a Martin dealership). All the ones I have played in the store need the nut slots deepened a bit and often the saddle shaved, as well as having the bridgepin holes reamed out slightly so they fit properly. Martin ships all their guitars in hardshell cases (included in the price)and the endpin is always in a little manila envelope in the accessory pocket of the case. Also they all have warranty papers which need to be signed off on by the dealer. We always send the paperwork in to Martin for the customer, but you should have gotten a copy of the form to keep. Something's a bit strange here, but I don't know what. Any guitar shop should have an end pin they'll sell you for $1.95 or so. Sandy